JWC Fern Hill 20 MG Prestressed Reservoir 2

The CM/GC, $25.1 million, three-phased project for the Joint Water Commission involved the construction of a new 20MG pre-stressed concrete reservoir adjacent to the existing 20MG tank and extensive water plant improvements to increase the overall plant capacity to 75MGD. Water Treatment Plant improvements included new plate settlers, cable vac systems, polymer feed systems, chemical/chlorine modifications, sedimentation basin coatings, electric valve replacements, new drying beds, removal of existing and installation of new Vertical Turbine Pumps with associated VFD’s. Work included approximately 2000LF of new 30-inch HDPE overflow lines and installation of about 2300 LF of 72-inch Welded Steel pipeline was installed from the plant to the new reservoir. Seismic upgrades, rewrapping and piping modifications to the existing reservoir were also performed.